It has been a while…

It has been a while since I last posted. My last exhibition was very well received by the few who saw it and I was able to sell half of the works on display. Happily I will soon be able to exhibit again, this time a mixture of old and new at Orkdal Kunstforening in late spring. Date and title coming up soon.

While the pandemic provided opportunities for many people to be more creative, I got the shit end of that stick and had almost 0 hours in the workshop in 2020. Craft-wise it was the slowest year of my life, but on the bright side I do adore my day-job and I got to keep it throughout the year, forming meaningful relationships and honing the performance art that is teaching.

For Christmas I got the toy surprise of more cancer. This explained all the health issues I had been working around in the past year and the long and short of it is that unless a miracle occurs, I am forever condemned to small scale, light weight work and absolutely no chance of handling large plates of brass or doing any kind of heavy lifting. My contrary nature and weasely brain are expected to come up with a clever plan to counter this evil plot against my crafting ambitions. While they are busy I will quietly make some jewellery or something, starting with utilising some of the jems I have in stock. Expect ear-rings and hairpins etc. Please cheer me on!

P.S. : I will not be taking any custom orders.


What a winter we are having…. 💚